Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ready for Some Assembling

I did get a chance to shoot some more primer on the previously prepped parts. It was much easier to use the Cortec-373 stuff as it dried very quickly and is a one component primer. This EkoPoxy takes significantly more time and preparation to apply as it has to get mixed and needs much more time to cure enough to allow the parts to be turned over. The reasoning to use this is the fact that Cortec-373 would wash away quickly if exposed to fuel and I want to make sure this wouldn't happen if I'd ever had a leaking fuel tank.
Can you tell that I experienced this before? Yeah, I had a leaking issue with my S-12 that still didn't get repaired where it washed away the rattle can paint in the interior.
As soon as I have built the part that would get impacted by a fuel leak, I will switch to the Stewart EkoPrime product which is a single component primer and should shot much smoother than the Cortec-373. Another reason to use this is that it is white in color as the EkoPoxy and I want to get some experience with this stuff before using it on the exterior of the plane.

I hope to get some riveting done tomorrow night.

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