Please be aware that I am a FIRST time builder and far from being any type of expert in aircraft construction. REMEMBER ... I'm a newbie builder ... be sure to check with Van's Aircraft before you do anything you read in this builder's log that might differ from those shown or implied the RV-12 plans. So reader beware ... and refer to my builder's log with CAUTION ... !!
This builders log is in no way a publication of Van's Aircraft or any other corporation. All products mentioned are not necessarily recommended for use by me but are included for informational purposes only. Any builders tips and instructions are not meant to replace the plans and instructions from Van's Aircraft. All builder's tips and instructions are presented only as a source of information and a forum for exchange and the sharing of ideas and construction methods. NO responsibility or liability is assumed, expressed, or implied as to the suitability, accuracy, safety, or approval thereof. Any party using the suggestions, ideas, instructions or examples does so at their own risk and discretion and without recourse against anyone. I cannot be responsible for any product builder's tips misuse, incorrect construction, or design failure, nor any other peril.
Any material from this builders log may be reprinted without permission for non-commercial use, but please give credit to the author. Re-use of any material from this builders log (text or graphics) for commercial gain is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from the original author.