Before getting to work I put all the nicely painted parts on a work bench to take a group photo:
That's the stuff that held me up so much. Anyway, back to page 23-03!
Most of the stuff that could be done before or without painting I had already done. Among them was countersinking those massive plates that will hold the rollbar structure. Somewhere in the forum I had read that when Van's was asking to countersink 5 holes they had marked six and the question was which one is the one that's not needed. Well, I read it and marked it and now I know that I misunderstood or the information was wrong. So, here's the photo that shows you on the left plate which one's are in fact the ones that need countersinking.
ok, look at the top row of rivets in the photo. The inner four holes have CS4-4 rivets in them, two have yet to be pulled. These are the ones that have to get countersunk. The one on the left outer edge is the one that doesn't have to be countersunk. Looks nicer, maybe, but certainly not necessary. The fifth hole that needs countersinking is - oops, forgot to do that yet - the second hole from the top on the left. If you just take one of the aluminum blocks that will get screwed onto the plate you'll immidiately see which holes need CS rivets and which don't.
The rest of the assembly was easy and without any incidents.
Support bracket in place and about to get riveted.
And that's the end of 23-03, well, as soon as I have countersunk the two forgotten holes ...
These two pages took me more than 41 hours. Ouch!
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