I finished riveting the inboard skin and then clecoed the outboard skin that I had already put in place the night before.
The holes lined up very well but I clecoed every other hole as the outboard wing feels a little less stiff as the spar is thinner. I wanted to make sure that I am not warping anything while riveting, so I wanted the clecos to align the structure and hod it in place while I'm pushing a bit on the rivets.
Then I tried the tie down ring again and took a better picture this time.
Still fits perfectly. While I was screwing the ring in I saw something that explained why the manual was asking to only tap a significant amount less than the length of the threading on the ring. Remember how I was getting concerned about this when building the fuselage? I went back to it and threaded the AEX deeper to fully support the length of the ring's threading. With the wings I didn't even think about it and did the same. Now this photo shows that the AEX is separated from the skin by at least 1/4".
Well, after this little epiphany I seated the rivets and marked the do-not-yet-rivet holes and clecos. Here's the hedgehog ready to go:
The holes on the outboard skin are by far not as narrowly placed and so the riveting was done quickly.
So all that was left to do for the night was to put the center skin on - but wait! Wasn't there a problem with that one? Yes! I had this area of light spray of primer that I wanted to fix up on the weekend. Well, the weekend was far away and I really wanted to put the skin on - if it was just as a dust cover. So I was digging up a foam brush I had in my painter box and did the touch-up with that. After it dried, I threw the skin on and fiddled a bit getting the stall warner tab through the cut out and the ribs aligned with the holes.
I briefly clecoed it in place and cleaned up the shop with this great feeling of accomplishment! I better hurry prepping those top skins as they will soon go on the wing!
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