Monday, September 9, 2013

More Nose Fairing Trimming

I thought I was done with the nose wheel fairing but when I attached the aft half to it again to look how the leg fairing would clear it, I noticed that the top front edge of the aft fairing made contact with the leg.

Step by step I tried to allow for clearance while minimizing the amount of fairing removed. This was still not enough.

Once I had removed what appeared to be a sufficient amount, I used the tow bar to turn the wheel to its full end positions to see if there were more spots that could cause problems.

Considering that there would be a nose leg fairing have to squeeze in as well, there was quite some material that had to get removed.

The leg fairing was easier as there was only a small area of necessary clearance.

Getting tired of the on-off cycles for all the fairings I approached this step by deliberately removing material instead of squeezing out the minimum. Still I got pretty close to the 1/4" minimum.

The aft of the leg fairing that is a flat extension, will not matter as it will be subsequently removed from the fairing.

In the evening Gil Alexander came by in his function as an EAA tech Counselor and did an inspection of the fuselage this time (last he looked at the wing before I closed it up). Not too many things to fix up, so that's good news.

I also received oral confirmation of hangar availability at my desired home airport and I will seal the deal tomorrow around noon.

Looks like we are on schedule! Let's hope it stays that way!!!

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