Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Brakes Broken In

Another day of prep work at the hangar. This time, I wanted to break in the brakes with some high speed taxi tests (and the subsequent hard braking). Reliably at 35 knots the nose would come up and I had to focus to not have an accidental First Flight as she really wants to fly now.

I chose a rather cloudy and later pretty breezy day for this activity but at least I learned how to keep her on the taxi way when there are significant cross winds.
Before the wind picked up I was able to complete a WOT static RPM test. As I had pitched the prop to maximum I was expecting to be a bit low on RPMs, it turned out to be stable at 4650. 4800-4900 would be better but this will just affect the maximum speed and I am not concerned about this yet.

Finally I also completed the transponder check at the local FBO and I re-checked the ELT. Everything is a go for a First Flight.

Now lets hope the winds do die down as forecast...

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