Saturday, April 26, 2014

Last Primer Shot

The rest of the week and even the Saturday morning where spent fixing the gazillion pin holes Van's had blessed these cowling parts with. I used the lightweight Superfil product for this job and am amazed about how good it is at this job. With the help of a squeegee (old credit card) the holes fill right up and there is not much to sand down afterwards and the Superfil sands real easy. The only downturn is that it takes 6-8 hours of at least 70 degrees to cure enough to get sanded.

After the Superfil had cured I sanded the whole surface of the parts with 320 grit dry and wiped it down with a micro fleece rag to remove the sand dust.
Then it was time for the last coat of primer to cover the light blue colored Superfil spots. I use the S-W Multi-Purpose Latex primer with ~10% Floetrol and a dash of water which looks like another 10%. After stirring it well it still has a consistency that looks thicker than what I would paint want to look like in an HVLP gun. So I use very little paint flow in the gun and 35psi and move very slowly over the surface to get good, fine coverage.

Now it should dry over night and then we will see in the morning if we need another sanding run before shooting the paint.

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