They looked a little banged up after drilling and trimming so I primed them again. The primer was still drying when I wrote this so tomorrow I'll add a photo of the finished parts.
I moved on to the OAT installation. This turred out to be a bit more time consuming than I had hoped for because I chose to not install when routing the wires as I wanted to keep the plane on the left side. The left side is also where the OAT would have pocked out so I decided to determine later how to install it.
Drilling the hole was the easy part.
The electrical diagram showed a simple two wire connection so I hoped for an easy installation in form of cutting two wires, install the probe and then solder the wires back together. It turned out that the cable was composed of 3 conductors and one shield.
I cut those wires, installed the probe and soldered the wires back together, reinstalled the shield with aluminum foil and isolated everything.
Everything looked good but when I powered up the SkyView I did not see any temperature readings. As a matter of fact I couldn't remember if I've ever seen any readings. I wanted to check on some older pictures I had taken during the Avionics problems but it turned out that I never took a picture of the primary flight display. So I cannot say if the probe had worked before my installation or not. It was getting late so I deferred further investigations to another day.
I will have to unplug the OAT from the ADAHRS and see if there's either a short or an infinite resistance. Anything else should provide some form of temperature reading. I saw that only the blue and yellow wires are used, so I should be able to trace the problem down if it's in the wiring.
UPDATE: I crawled in the back and measured the resistance between the blue and yellow wires. It looked good, the meter showed 7.12 kOhms and I believe that is a reasonable value. Anything between infinite and close to zero should be fine. Why the ADAHRS is not reporting temperatures, I will have to find out. Maybe reading the manual could help, maybe the Dynon forum has something about it.
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