I've finished riveting the skins on. Everything worked fine but I've noticed about three places where the clecos have bent the skin when the weight of the Stabilator was pushing sideways on them. It doesn't look too bad and maybe I can fill this later when I'm preparing the surfaces for painting. I will have to be a bit more careful next time to avoid this in the future.
The good news is, that I also got my A/C unit installed and it works great! It cooled down the workshop from 102 to 82 within two hours and if you stand in the blast of the cool air while it is doing this, you can work along just fine. I am very happy I spent the money on this unit.
This weekend I won't be having a lot of shop time but I do hope to finish the Stabilator at least as there is not really a lot left to do. And then it will be on for the tail cone ...
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