Within two hours I finished riveting one side (two surfaces) of the Stabilator tonight. I hope I can get one more surface done tomorrow morning before work as working in the afternoon is just ridiculously hot in the shop. Maybe the A/C that is supposed to arrive tomorrow morning provides some relief.
Really nothing exciting at this part of the build but I find it very satisfying as riveting always marks an endpoint of a job (well) done.
While I was riveting my mind was wandering and I am thinking that maybe it might be a good filler for the time I am going to be waiting for the wing kit to think about the paint scheme. After all it appears to be silly to completely finishing the assembly of an airplane only to take it apart again to paint it and put it back together. Why not paint it now, before assembly, and then just leave like that? Sure, the paint might get nicked here and there, but that would happen also during use - the usual hangar rash. I have to think about this a bit further... it sure would fill that hole of maybe 7-8 weeks of waiting time that might be ahead of me.
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