It was a very long day at the factory and the humidity didn't make it any easier either. But what am I complaining - I got a lot done.
With Dave Gamble's help I figured out how to de-flute a bulkhead stiffener that gave me some headache. This was not an important step but a necessary one to continue the preparation of the next parts to get them ready for priming.
Priming was the main goal today and I got all the parts on the list prepped and primed, despite the heat and the time that just seamed to run away today.
Dealing with the skins was a bit odd as their sheer size and wobbliness makes it tricky to work with them. Particularly if you intend to move them around quite a bit - as I had to to get them from the prepping table to the wash off point (who wants this caustic stuff seeping into the concrete on the patio?), to the drying rack and then to the painting corner.
Speaking of painting corner. The picture with the primed skin sitting on a bucket and my improvised spraying table in front of idyllic desert plants IS in fact my little painting corner. At least it wouldn't matter if you had some overspray in this area ...
So, I finished the formers, a lot of small parts, J-stiffeners and the two basic skins that start the tailcone "covering" process. I guess I will have to wash them off tomorrow and see how far I get with the first assembly steps as I have also a lot of honey-do's to do.
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