Fortunately, we have a really long covered patio and so the decision was to find a cozy place for it out there.
On the right side you can see part of the wing cradle I inherited from Tom who just finished his RV-6A and didn't need it anymore.
As with the Stabilator, storing a structure like this outside requires sealing it up so the various Southern Arizonan insect wouldn't find a way inside. I covered up the tail with a left over Harbor Freight coupon flyer.
I think this is more than appropriate as most of the tools i am using to build this RV are indeed provided by HF.
Covering the front was a bit tricky as it's a large area to fill.
I used painter's paper that is used to cover the floor before starting a messy job.
With the structure sitting halfway inside the box the parts came in, I believe it to be roll resistant enough to not get blown over even in a bad storm. This has to last until the front fuselage is done at gets then joined with the aft part.
Oh, BTW, if you were wondering. The length of this tailcone is precisely 9ft.
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