The paint on the parts was well cured after 16 hours and I continued to aforementioned grand finale, the actual riveting of the skins onto the fuselage.
The longerons were quickly put back into place to receive and hold on to the skins.
See that painful looking arch in my back? It was about then when I realized that I should get a seat to do this.
After clecoing both skins on and setting half the rivets I was ready to start the enjoyable part of riveting.
An hour or so later the rivets were pulled and the final rivets seated.
Left side was soon done and relieved of any blue tape and no longer needed clecos, On to the right side...
Same game but less pictures. After two more hours the task was completed and we now officially have a .... boat!
This completed page 23-06 which took me almost 17 hours to finish.
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