It was a busy weekend and I had a lot of fun, until I discovered that I got carried away and riveted way too many holes that weren't supposed to get riveted just yet. Well, at least I had a lot of practice with my rivet removal tool - oh, how much fun I had!
But there is hope! It seems I am learning from my mistakes as I didn't repeat the same mistakes on the left side of the rear spar, so the caps went in well and also the countersinking seemed much better this time.
I am still having trouble with the upper hinge assembly, as the bearing seizes when I rivet the brackets. The lower hinge worked just fine, but the upper one I riveted 3 times before giving up. I sent an email to Van's Tech Support.
The primer rattle cans arrived and I started priming the first parts of the vertical stabilizer that were in the queue for assembly, I also started riveting my first pop rivets. That Avery gun worked great and I had so much fun that I just riveted along. Unfortunately, I riveted much more holes as I should have, but I am repeating my self. After removing the unwanted rivets it looked like I got hardly anything done besides burning time...
Fortunately I spent Saturday at Aero Fair in Payson, AZ (KPAN). The flight was a lot of fun and passing Apache river and Roosevelt Lake was very impressive. To clear the mountains in thermal conditions I flew up to 9500 ft. I've never been that high in my little butterfly LSA :-)
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